Title:  Believe Again  ( Vision Matters In Your Personal Brand) -Play Your Role 

Theme: Makeup Your Mind 

Date : 02/22/2022

Where: In The Land Of Possibilities 

Mood : Determined 

Plan: To Be Intentional 

Mission : The Business Of Image + Influence +Impact

Weekly Theme Song  For You🎵 : Surfaces – Sunday Best


Feeling: Focused 

Voice : Olivia Pope Meets Oprah 

To : My Favorite Boss Women, #GlamourBosses  #Glam’MoreSociety #GlamNation

 Hey gorgeous! Happy Mindset Monday,and because I missed the blog the past two  weeks, I’m bringing back “ Sole Out Sunday” DesignHer Life Sermons & Mindset Makeover Monday together.

In these types of blogs I discuss spiritual and personal development .

As much as personal development is a consistent plan for you, your spiritual development should be in partnership with who you are as a personal  brand. Even if you’re not branding yourself from that point of view, you personally should be developing that part of yourself… Always!

In my own personal and spiritual development, I learned the more you understand what you believe in, the stronger your confidence, conviction, and motivation  leads your personal brand and influences your lifestyle . 

So now when you’re planning and writing your values, beliefs, for your personal brand

 ( or calling story, your vision or why ) you’re clear about what you’re saying and what you’re asking people to believe in. I’ve noticed that most life coaches, speakers, leaders, advocates  and famous influencers speak on

  •  the moment they had a life changing encounter 
  • understand more about their spiritual beliefs, 
  • Had a deeper sense of purpose or increased belief or vision 
  • Knew more about themselves 
  • Changed their network / relationships/ social circle 
  • Focused on what they were passionate about 

The more they blossomed , became better people, leaders, and wanted to build themselves or people to be better.  ( If you want to learn more about these women and case studies, be sure to stay tuned for “ Glamour Boss Lifestyle Series’ ‘ it’s focused on the stories of some of the world’s most famous, fabulous, and elite business women ). We will discuss how they found fame, lifestyle, mental motivation, and where she built her area of influence and expertise. )

The more you plan to show up, create , and lead  authentically .

Personal branding journal entry:

What is your vision connected too?

What do you believe in more than anything else?

What are you leading people towards?


Remember as I like to say a personal brand is half artist, half politician or half politician,half artist :

You’re creating something you see, using creativity and art as your platform, but you have a message for people and a skill set that you’re willing to teach, plan/strategize , talk or create for others with.

You can also have a message, plan to teach, or study on how to inform people about something you like or enjoy. The artist ( brand)  part comes in because you would have to create from that area consistently  .. if you can’t’ or don’t want to do that.. That would make you more of an influencer than a personal brand.

Remember there are levels of personal branding, and there are levels to fame and there are levels to legacy.

Here’s a quick article from a fellow personal branding expert 


And here’s an article on levels of fame …


Let’s be clear. We want it all, cause there’s no limit…

Fame, personal branding, and building a brand has completely  changed from how it was years ago. Thank you internet and social media..

But because there are more people in the game now because of access, now it’s about longevity, creativity, and solving issues with your personal brand to build fame, wealth, and access. 

This is why knowing who you are, what you believe in, and staying motivated along the way is key to building your personal and staying motivated.

So let’s get into this Mindset Makeover:

Mindset Makeover – ReImagining Yourself 

( Everything Is Perspective) 


When we discuss “ Play Your Role”, as this month’s theme. It’s because I believe society, social media,  markets, and even business coaches get  so focused on being  the main character that  we forget .. there are main characters … with a “S”. There has to be supporting cast, crew, players, and even backup positions to keep the show moving .


This past month I’ve been thinking about why people can’t stay focused,  need a lot of hype and motivation to stay consistent in anything they want to do. 


Vision, mission, and your personal brand purpose are all connected. My question then becomes do you believe in your vision? And if not let’s revisit it again.


Vision gives your values, and it dictates the quality of life or lifestyle you want/ will have. Vision also brings clarity, purpose, gives you motivation, and empowers you to move beyond your current access and limitations. It gives you direction and attracts resources.

Dr Miles Monroes goes up to 16 and more principles  about vision but his last one. I LOVE .

Check the video out here now .


Your vision will be tested for authenticity , true vision is discovered when you discover something you wanna die for .What kind  of history do you dream of making?

What part do you want to play in writing history ?


  1. Vision Chooses Your Future 
  2. Vision Chooses Your Friends
  3. Vision Chooses Your Library 
  4. Vision Chooses Your Friends 
  5. Vision Chooses Your Use of Time & Energy 
  6. Vision Chooses Your Movie & Entertainment 
  7. Vision Will Chose Your priorities  in life 
  8. Vision Will Choose Your Hobbies/ games 


Story ( History, Beliefs, Community) :   

Vision Makes You Think About Every Part Of Your Role


Vision helps you see your  plan, idea, and Role from several points of views to help you stay inspired along the way .


As a leader in your personal brand , knowing your strengths, topics and being an expert in a topic, niche, or having a massage … Helps YOU become more creative about how you communicate your message.  While keeping your audience’s attention, trust , which leads them to investing in themselves by the help of you !! 

With most movies, there is always a focus on the main character : Their dreams, goals, wants, personally etc…

And even this past couple of years on social media all I see besides “ Girl Boss” is being an “CEO” , “ Boss Babe”.. Etc…

 Not one to talk using “Glamour Boss”.. LOL 

But identifying yourself , your story, the history of yourself , 

  • helps with identifying how you want to show up
  • How you choose what you need in your life 
  • And how you built , develop, and speak  to serve your community.

Like most of us during this pandemic, our positions have changed , faded out,  upgraded, or maybe you’re feeling uninspired in the dream job / career/ personal brand you’re building. 

So here’s some questions to get you thinking about your personal brand role differently:

  • If the world is a stage, what stage do you see yourself on?
  • What are your parts and responsibilities in your role ? Where do you stand ? How often do you speak ? How much do you need to communicate?
  • Who are the best people playing that role before you? 
  • How does your story, talents, or skills connect with the role , industry, or part you want to play ?
  • What type of people need your performance?  How would they leave after watching you perform? Inspired ? Motivated ?  Refreshed? Where would they see it at? 
  • If you would write the role of your life … who would you be ? How would you look ? And what do you do to save the day ? 


” You don’t have to do something big and great to make an impact … being yourself, and playing the role you’re supposed to play.. last a lifetime..” -Dr Miles Monroe 


The Wipe Down ( Close of Mission, Story, Or Plan On How To Follow Up )

Vision Last Even After You’re Gone. Get the Play On Tape- Lasting Memories 

Growing up I used to watch this show called “The Swan” . It was about these women getting plastic surgery and makeovers.. and I remember saying… ” I wish I could do that ” ..

I remember telling someone and they thought it was too much … then I attempted to start a show myself…

You can watch it here… ( Judging myself ) LOL

And looking at 2022 on how plastic surgery and this kind of thing is all over IG. Makes me so mad , cause I didn’t listen and trust myself.  I didn’t follow my OWN vision I had for myself .

For many of us we have vision , but like I did .. you out-talked yourself, listened to people who couldn’t help you , and you stopped building because no one was clapping  for you. 

So at the start of this blog, my question was why do we need so much motivation and encouragement. 

I believe it’s because we have no vision for what type of person  we want to be . I believe society  labeled  that if you have a vision for your life . That we just sit and wait for it to manifest. We paint a picture of a life you don’t have to change, work , and actively build for .  Personal Branding is a daily activity, it’s a commitment that you’re showing up for what you love, and how you want to show up for other people  . Having a clear vision of what you want to contribute to the world helps you identify a mission, and that mission tells you who you should be developing into to be that leader for those people. 

As the leader your vision requires YOU to believe in you at all times.  

No money. 

No way .

No possibilities. 

Vision Makes a Way .

In the sermon from Bishop Jakes I remember saying.. who do I need permission from? 

Watch that one here :  

Then it hit me , most of us are using motivation and encouragement to give ourselves  the confidence that feels like permission to believe in what we see, as well as ourselves. To believe in our authentic self . To Stand on what we know we are capable of doing and achieving. 


As tomorrow hits 02/22/2022 

I reflect on the things I’ve achieved in my past. How things happened for me that I can’t explain . Things that I’ve done , that I didn’t think I could do, but I believed I could.  

Look at your own life … what have you done that people said you could do? 

When was there a time you took a chance and it worked out for you ? 

Think about the times you have stopped on something you wanted to do  , and later on saw that you were right and wish you would’ve kept going? 


This is why you have to use your vision as a source for encouragement and motivation. Too many times we have waited for outside people to encourage us to be better . While I’m a big advocate for communities and people . We also live in an individualized, capitalism-driven world, where we are struggling to make connections, trust, and be honest with each other  about our past experiences and trauma. This is why you must Believe, pray, and work on your vision everyday. 


Remember you could be solving a problem that’s happening now , where you see people could need your help in the future, or solving an issue or problem your audience didn’t even know about.  


Communication takes time . So keep on talking !! 

Imagine being Noah for years and no one believes in you until years later when the rain starts to fall . 




Keep building boo . See you on the ark 💅💄👠

Listen gorgeous, I hope you loved this blog post as much as I loved writing and watching these videos that helped me review my own purpose and mission .


Be sure to check out the live podcast later today ( or week, cause my toddler is running my life LOL)  where I go more into details and tell you some of my answers for the questions and discuss other public figures and how to stay motivated in a world full of distractions!!


See you soon, beautiful! 

Xoxo LN 


Digital Glamour : Makeup Your Lifestyle -Beauty, Branding, & Business Challenge. 

Please Join me at the top of every month  for the FREE 7 day ”  Show up and Show Out” Challenge.  Think Covergirl, meets Sex and The City, Meets Billboard Magazine, Meets NYC Fashion week 💄👠💋


So if you’re struggling with showing up in your personal brand, now having the support, or needing topics to discuss for a month . Join the community where we will be supporting each other, looking fabulous, and making our beauty mark.


Join The Newsletter HERE  https://thelondynnikolefirm.com/digitalglamour/

Check out The Lastest Make Your Beauty Mark Podcast Here

Listen to the latest live video @ Londyn Nikole Network HERE

Check us Out on YouTube Here 

Looking to be in a dope community of women Glamlites ( glamorous socialites , GlamourBosses ( gorgeous business women ) , and “Glamomasonz” ( glamorous mothers in business) !

 Join my community where we discuss beauty, fashion, lifestyle, society trends, pop culture news for creative and professional women !!

We broadcast live every day at 3pm, every Saturday Morning with beauty and fashion news and sometimes we have pop up discussions on breaking pop culture news in the world . We look forward to networking,our dinner and a movie night, shopping events  and building a relationship with you and your personal and business brand !  JOIN HERE GORGEOUS !